Picking Technologies

Picking Technologies


The constant evolution of the market leads to situations of crisis and chaos that require those responsible for logistics areas to rethink new scenarios and optimizations that can translate into an effective, efficient, and comprehensive solution capable of meeting the growing and increasingly complex market demands.

Picking systems are a fundamental tool in order assortment, since they provide better control and information in real time, greater precision in orders and, in addition, they are safe and fast.

These solutions will increase your productivity in order assortment. Our technologies will facilitate your work semi-automatically along with the module of our assortment software.

In addition, these technologies are paperless solutions, the same quality that makes it easier for the operator to not need to work with lists in order to fill the corresponding orders.

Normally, we complement these systems with technologies like Conveying & Sortation Systems, but they work well as stand-alone systems as well.

Our specialized area will advise you in the selection of the equipment that best meets your wishes and needs.

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