Some of the functions of the WMS (Warehouse Management System) are to guarantee operation reliability; allow inventory and information control; increase productivity and competitiveness in manual operations; as well as the interconnection with other systems, among others.
There are hundreds of suppliers of this type of software on the market; and even in some cases, certain companies have developed their own application. Each company has its own needs, capabilities, policies and can choose a certain type of solution; however, the best option is a well-known WMS, either internationally or locally recognized, with a supplier that demonstrate to have current technology with projection and with real local support and an infrastructure that guarantees that such supplier will remain in the market for a long period of time; otherwise you will have unexpected costs of operational chaos, software changes and working methodologies. Therefore, the WMS is a proven functional tool, but it requires a good selection, a good implementation and good support.
On the other hand, there are WMS on demand, also called clouding or Saas in which the application is located on a server and the provider keeps it updated for a pre-set monthly fee, operating the system via web.
G.I.Eicom*, integrates complete systems that may or may not include the WMS. Our wide experience with the main global providers of WMS allows us to easily work with them.
Whether it is a system that includes its own software or any of the recognized brands, G.I.Eicom* harmonizes all the components, technologies, software and concepts so that your investment pays off today and always. Our consultants are always considerate to your needs and will help you select or implement highly efficient systems coordinated with your WMS (Warehouse Management System).